Kill Black Mold Lingering On Your Bathroom Ceiling In 20 Minutes

You just can’t ignore that small black patch on your bathroom ceiling that’s growing larger and larger. Are you wondering what that black stain could be? Well, it’s definitely black mold.

In addition to being unsightly, black mold on walls and ceilings is also unhealthy. In only a few days, a small patch of black mold can turn into a large stain. A bathroom seems to be a perfect place for mold to grow as it provides the proper environment conditions. A humid environment, moisture, condensation, and dark places provide the perfect conditions for mold to thrive.

When taking a bath, be sure to leave the window open afterwards to prevent mold from growing on the ceiling. In case you don’t have a bathroom window, you can place a dehumidifier or a fan in the bathroom.

Good-To-Know: If the mold on your bathroom ceiling covers ten square feet or less, it is considered a small area and you can take care of cleaning it on your own. You should seek professional assistance if the area is larger than that.

🛒 Items Needed:

▪ Goggles
▪ Gloves
▪ Cotton face mask

🧽 Instructions:

Wash the area with a cleaning solution of mild detergent and warm water.

◼ Let the affected area dry.

◼ Mix one-quarter cup of bleach with one quart of water and apply the solution.

◼ Wait for 20 minutes and apply a second time.

◼ Allow another 20 minutes to dry.

!!! Before starting to clean the mold out of the ceiling you should close off vents so spores cannot spread to other home areas during the cleaning process. Open a window instead.

Tips After Cleaning Mold From the Ceiling

1. The fact that your ceiling looks clean after this process doesn’t necessarily mean that lingering mold spores won’t survive. Taking steps to fix your bathroom’s mold problem will require treating the ceiling after cleaning it.

2. It’s possible to treat the ceiling with a solution based on borax. This treatment is applied directly to the ceiling. The solution shouldn’t be rinsed. Leave it there to prevent mold growth in the future.

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